
New Twins in Hongyuan Team

2010-12-09 Source: Xinkuai News (Guangzhou)

Xinkuai news reports: The preparation for the new games in Hongyuan team is full of tension, but there’s happiness too. There came a joke from reporters yesterdays, because there came a pair of new twins in the team.

Find the right one according to the shoes

It is said that it’s difficult to distinguish Ren Junwei who just came to team one from team two and Ren Junfei who came to team one last year and they are twin brothers. Yesterday, a reporter came to a tall guy after careful watching and called “Dawei (the older brother)” cordially, but he said ruthlessly, “Dawei is over there, and I am Erfei.” The reporter got awkward.

The twin brothers Ren junwei and Ren Junfei were born in the 1990s, and came from Taiyuan, Shanxi. The younger brother Ren Junfei came to Hongyuan team one last year, and the older brother Ren Junwei has joined in this team for this season. Only some training partners and the coach can tell them apart in the team. Even Chen Haitao, the board chairman may mistake them. After some mistakes, the reporters got told by the younger brother Ren Junfei, “You can check our shoes next time. Erfei is my name.” It came out that the club has printed their names on the shoes.

Zhang Xianya reports

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