The Oldest Twins in the World British Twin Sisters Celebrate 101st Birthday
2011-01-15 Source:International Online (Beijing)
According to British Daily Mail in January 4, a pair of British twin sisters cerebrated their 101st birthday. Guinness World Records has listed them as the oldest twins in the world formally. Sisters Ina and Lily were born on Jan. 4, 1910 in a farmer’s family in Brecon, Wales in Great Britain. Ina and Lily had ten sisters and brothers, including a pair of twin brothers, who died before. They live close to each other and go shopping together every week. They call each other everyday too. Lily says that it is jokes and smile which give them lone life. They used to work in the farm and enjoyed that kind of life. They both try to avoid luxury in modern life, and they don’t use central heating at home. Ina and Lily didn’t that they are the oldest twins until a pair of French twins announced about such a record in 2010. Then Ina and Lily found themselves three years older than them. Having checked their birth certificate and marriage certificate, the world Guiness committee awarded them this throne. Li Jinliang reports |